Friday, January 29, 2010

Time - everybody has it

So you're using phrases like "I'd love to learn that, maybe tomorrow" or "oh, I wish I had the time to do that"? Do you feel like time just keeps on slipping away leaving you going to bed wondering where it all went?

You’re not alone.

We all have 24 hours every day, except two times a year. We all have the choice to prioritize how we spend those hours, what we fill them with. You may think that you don't, but you do, there is always, always a choice. Going to work is your choice, not paying the phone bill is your choice, feeding your children is your choice, not going to that concert is you choice.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's never too late to change your life

We all worry about our lives at some point, at least some of us stop for a minute to reflect over where we are right now and how it fits in with the dream we had years and years ago.


Do we live through our hearts following that dream? Or, do we walk the road that our parents told us? Are we being led by what society says is the better way? Questions like that are important to ask yourself regardless if it's about the big things in life like your job, your family, your hobbies or the very small things like "do I actually like to go to this restaurant every day?".