Friday, January 29, 2010

Time - everybody has it

So you're using phrases like "I'd love to learn that, maybe tomorrow" or "oh, I wish I had the time to do that"? Do you feel like time just keeps on slipping away leaving you going to bed wondering where it all went?

You’re not alone.

We all have 24 hours every day, except two times a year. We all have the choice to prioritize how we spend those hours, what we fill them with. You may think that you don't, but you do, there is always, always a choice. Going to work is your choice, not paying the phone bill is your choice, feeding your children is your choice, not going to that concert is you choice.

You may not like the consequences of not feeding your children or not going to work, but it’s still yours to make. Saying you didn’t have time to call that friend of yours is just a covered up way of saying you did not prioritize to. It’s never someone else’s choice and it’s not society’s choice, it’s yours.

The point is not to make you feel bad over the choices you make (or have made), but to make you aware that by having the choice in your own hands you also have the power to make your life as you want it.

You think you need that boring job otherwise you won't get by, won't be able to pay those bills. But that's only because you've made the choice to live a life where you are dependent on that salary. Living in a cheaper apartment or sharing a house with others, buying second hand, sharing cars with friends, living on the country side, all these things are choices you can make to make you less dependent. If you want to you can have a job that takes a few hours each day and live a simple life giving you many many hours each day. If you choose to live a life where you’re expenses require a job taking up many hours of your day then it’s your choice to do so knowingly that you’ll have less time.

The point is that you have a choice. By reviewing your life and finding what you want with it, you can also make decisions on what you need to fulfill it. Do you need to spend time in front of the TV, sacrificing things that mean something to you? Do you need to sit on facebook as much as you do? Do you actually need to read this blog? Review your time and prioritize your desires.

Sometimes if you have a room of time in your week that is not filled, if you don't actively fill it with something meaningful then it may fill itself with meaningless things. This will bring a feeling of not having any time left for the things you love. So sit down and go through your days, find all those little things that fill them, find the things that you don't really need or want and get rid of them. See now how much time you have and try to fit in the things you've wanted to do but thought you didn't have time to.

Having said that. Always have some time open, not planned, that way you keep it open for life to happen, spontaneously. You'll be happily surprised at what life can bring you when you don't force or plan it.

Time – it’s your choice to have it or not.

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