Sunday, February 7, 2010

The art of being you

Who are you? Do you know? Can you describe what in essence is you? Do you define yourself by the things that you own, your children, your beliefs, your opinions, your feelings and thoughts, what your friends see you as, what your parents told you to be, what you aren't... what and whom are you?

Think About You
It's an interesting road to walk down, to ponder what it is that makes you who you are. It's my belief that every person is totally unique but also the same. Let me break that down.

Every soul is unique in what it has experienced, every person is unique in the infinite variables that makes up a life, no-one is like you, no-one. But we are also the same. We have the same heritage of being human beings, we all have one head, one heart, one soul etc. We're all on the same journey, the journey of life, it's just that we have traveled different distances and different paths, but we all have the same destination, from the first to the last breath.

So what makes you who you are? I think it goes deeper than what you feel and think, those are just layers on top of you, they are the product of you, not you in essence. At the core of you, deep inside, are all your experiences as a soul (if you believe in souls and throughout lifetimes if you believe in reincarnation), that is what has gotten you to be who you are.

Whom are you not
It's maybe easier to say what you are not. You're not your parents, you're not their thoughts and beliefs, you are not your upbringing, you are not what anyone else thinks you are regardless of how much you trust them and their opinions and beliefs and you are not what society and culture says you are. The way to find out what is really you is to open your mind, heart and soul, be 100% truthful to yourself and revise everything you have learnt, been taught, experienced, what you believed to be true, what you believed to be false. Find all those things that does not resonate with you, which feels wrong, which causes you to feel discomfort or doubt, take them and throw them away. Everything you find that makes sense to you, lightens your heart, resonates, makes you say aha... keep it, make that the foundation on which you stand, as soon as it resonates with you then it is truly you.

Old patterns
Be aware that old patterns may resonate with you out of habit although it may not be true for you. This is the hardest to revise. A few pointers to help here is to take the thought that may be an old pattern and think about why you think it is true. Is it because it's the same as what your parents thought? Did someone else that you trusted say that it was true. By finding the roots it becomes easier to either pull them up or grow upon them.

Also be aware that you change throughout life, you learn, expand, evolve all through your life and you're bound to change your views of the world along this great journey that you're on. The things that were true for you five years ago may not be true now with all the new knowledge and experience you have acquired. So it is healthy to take moments, step outside of the bubble where you live, go away a few days and revise who you are, because you are ever changing, and will never be the same as you were yesterday.

We all have gotten this great gift to experience and live our lives, don't spend it by not being you. Spend it being you to be able to experience it fully. You will feel that life runs smother, you will feel that you're a part of the flow.


  1. Så sant. Säg det igen, säg det högt, säg det ofta. Så växer den värld fram som vi längtar till. Vi får ha det så kul vi kan i mellantiden.
    Respect. Kram. Hjärtliga hälsningar Percy

  2. Ojoj djupa Vide! Du letar va? Är det därför du gömmer dig i Kanada?
