Background philosophy
My belief is that we're not alone in the universe, we have fellow beings that live and evolve in many places in our extremely vast universe. It's just illogical to me that we would be the only ones in this almost infinite number of worlds.
If I bake this into a pondering around the aspect of a God creating the universe then it still doesn't make sense to me that this God would have only created one species on one planet, God would have created an immense number of inhabitable worlds with a diverse number of different species. "He" wouldn't have created millions of galaxies and just one planet with life, that just doesn't add up, at least not for me.
Already here?
If many agree that it's just illogical that we would be alone in the universe, just some of them will go as far as saying that they have already visited us. I however am convinced, despite the fact that I haven't seen a single spacecraft that I can remember. I think the reason lies in that it's easy to accept that they can exist somewhere else, but it's a whole other reality if they were here. What a change in the thinking towards the world.
Another aspect of it is that based on the technology we have on earth doesn't allow us to travel to other stars, so how could other species do it? To me this is kind of a strange argument, I mean, how old is the universe and how young is our planet? That's right, we're just an infant in comparison to other stars so doesn't logic say that other civilizations would have come far beyond our limited state and thus have a superior technology? Remember, we thought it was impossible to fly before the 20th century, that's just over a hundred years ago.
Another aspect of our limited view of the world are the laws we've established. Most commonly refereed to is the speed of light and how an object traveling close to that speed will become infinitely dense.
Now we just may be on a breakthrough with quantum mechanics which may very well lead to teleportation. "They"/we have already teleported photons.
What is evidence?
Still, all this doesn't matter if the evidence that they are here exists, what's the point then to talk about if they could come or not? Based on the disclosure project they are here and have been here for some time. The question I guess is, when, how and by whom does evidence become evidence?
I guess that this is where belief comes in, some people have to have that alien life form in their experience before determining that it's true. And some may yet say that they don't exist because that would shatter the world around them and the way that they have lived their whole life. That takes a lot of courage to step above your past beliefs and into new ones. Another important aspect is the fear of being judged by others for your beliefs. I would say, just be yourself.
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